Late as
usual, so we’re back within par for my blogging habits. Grab a cup of coffee, this is a long one.
April’s labs
were all very positive although I had been struggling in the beginning of the
year. Fast forward to June, I was
ecstatic – I felt the best that I have in 4 years! I felt better than I have in longer than I
can truly remember. Awake, alert, in
less pain, more energy and best of all, I felt more alive. These were all things that I would hope to
feel with the great lab results like I had in April.
I start thinking of Maybe Baby. Should I begin tapering off my medications so that we can try?
This is what we have been waiting for, right? After some soul searching and a discussion
with my Rheumatologist, we decided to let me enjoy what it feels like to feel good for the summer. My rheumatologist also said that she’d like
to follow my labs a little more while I felt “good” so that we can learn more
from them if they spike again. You may
remember that aside from my inflammation that showed in my MRIs and muscle
biopsy, the common inflammation markers were not very clear within my
Brad and I both felt good about this decision and wasted no time enjoying the
summer and taking advantage of the gift that we had been given. Well, June and July were a huge learning
experience for me, full of important reminders and a few slaps back to reality. While I did feel really great, that this is
all relative for a person like me. This
was something that after four years of learning to pace and care for myself was
quickly forgotten in a month or two of excitement. For example, I am used to getting about 10-20
minutes of activity in before I know that I need to stop and take a break, to
avoid a flare. “Feel-great” Maren
decided that she felt good enough to skip breaks and after two months of just
powering through is now back to where she started.
Ugh!!! I brought it on myself. After months, years of not being able to just
do things when I want to do them, I was chomping at the bit to get all kinds of
projects done. I wanted to finally walk
my dogs every day, get outside, see my friends and family. After not having an appetite for months, I
wanted to eat all my favorite things, drink beer and just get out and have
fun. The most valuable lesson here is
that no matter how great you may feel, “Everything in Moderation” is truly a
statement to live by, and for a person like me this rule cannot be
brings another [hopefully the last] small foot surgery to remove the wart from
September arrives
and I am right back where I was at the beginning of 2014. Son of a!!
At my
appointment in late July, I was just starting to feel the effects of my summer
bender. My lab results came back with an
elevated LDH. However, Dr. Grandits said that she had been seeing issues with
this test and wanted me to recheck just to be sure.
If the LDH comes back high again, this is actually something to be positive
about. Since my DM markers haven’t
always been right on, it’s been difficult to read my labs, and predict or
anticipate any flares. If the LDH is
high again, this may be our “flare” marker to watch!
Late July Lab Work:
No liver, kidney or blood cell count
abnormalities. Muscle enzymes are normal except the LDH returned quite
Due to a
paperwork error, I actually never got my lab results in time to get rechecked
before SURPRISE, you have Lyme Disease! Yes, you read that correctly! After a weekend of being sick as a dog with a
sore neck and stiff, sore knees to boot, I crossed my leg and saw the tell-tale
“Bulls-eye” mark on my calf. Apparently
the marking can be seen within a month of being bit. The symptoms that I was feeling were in line
with the 3-4 week marker.
I did need
to stop taking my MTX for 2 weeks while the Doxycycline did it’s job tackling
the Lymes.
Lyme Disease "Bulls-Eye" marking please forgive my hairy legs
I had
already been on mega antibiotics for 2 weeks (prior to going to the ER) to help
control my perioral dermatitis (not eczema as previously diagnosed), so I believe this is why the hospital results
came back clear. WooHoo! What did not come back in the clear was my CRP,
or C-Reactive Protein, which was rather high.
9/28 ER Lab Work:
CRP (0.0 - 0.8 mg/dL) =1.4
About the
antibiotics that I was already on continue to be on…
My skin
condition has taken a turn for the worse, and the Triamcinlone cream that I
usually use on my hands, can no longer be used on my chest or behind my ears
because it’s beginning to break down my skin.
I have tried a million different creams for the area around my mouth and
while they may work for a little while, the little red, itchy bumps always
So, for an entire month (I’m
halfway there) I am on antibiotics and I am to only use Free & ClearShampoo and Conditioner and Vanicream Soap for my hair and body. Free & Clear Hair Gel if I need to style
my hair. I already use ultra-sensitive
Cerave and Cetaphil on my face. Also,
try to use minimal makeup. For any
rashes that appear from the chest up, I am using Sodium Sulfacetamide Lotion,
and yes, it is made with sulfur it does smell like farts.
Perioral Dermatitis |
Folliculitis |
These photos are mortifying, however I know that there are quite a few readers of this blog who also have dermatomyositis, and if they make someone else feel better about their skin condition, then that is what is most important.
The new
cream wiped out the dermatitis on my face right away, although it got much
worse before it got better. Then, it
tackled the area behind my ear, and now it’s working on my chest, which I want
to rip off right now because it itches so badly. Thank God I work from home and can be a
hermit hiding in sweatpants rather than scare people off with my living
Halloween costume. Hoping that this crap
is on it’s way out!
So here we
are, October 30th. Other than my itchy skin, I have been feeling
pretty good! While my muscles have been
weak, I have not been painful or sore. I
get tired easily, but I’m not in pain. This
is great for me!
I saw my
rheumatologist last week and left with some exciting news for my husband. Dr. Grandits suggested that we try reducing
my methotrexate (MTX)! Now, this would be a very slow
process of a 1 pill reduction of the regular 10 for the 3-6 months, then reduce
by one more pill for 3-6 months, etc. (My pharmacist
goofed and gave me the pill form MTX last time and I was actually excited. If I don’t have to take that damn shot, I’m a
happy camper.) Anyway, I went home and
talked to Brad about it, and we decided to do it! That would be one step closer to Maybe
Baby. I started to feel excited, like I
was really helping us move forward to that time.
Today however, I got
my lab results and am feeling a little defeated. I haven’t had labs that looked like this in a
while, and it has me on edge.
10/24 Lab Work:
The labs
show the muscle enzymes are elevated, the CK, aldolase and AST. Surprisingly the LDH is normal, it has always
been high in the past. The muscle enzyme
elevation may be related to the infection you had in the interim. Lyme infection can cause myositis. Will see if this corrects. I would continue taking the methotrexate for
now. Other labs show a mild increase in
the inflammation markers (sedimentation rate, c-reactive protein). The blood cell counts are normal. The Lyme testing is negative. I would suggest rechecking the muscle enzymes
in 6 weeks.
AST – SGOT (2-40
IU/L = 50 (H)
CK (29-168
IU/L) = 1427 (H)
(<7.7 U/L) = 11.2 (H)
Lyme Screen = Negative
(<22 mm/hr) = 22 (H)
(<0.50 mg/dl) = 0.59 (H
So, where do
we go from here? I guess just get to the
next lab appointment in 6 weeks to see what is happening in my body. Hold my head up and keep going. Pray for strength so that my fears don’t interfere
with the amazing life that is mine each day.
Kiss my dogs
and enjoy being able to spend my days working with them snuggled in by my
side. Hug my husband, my best friend and
partner in life, my biggest supporter.
Dress up like Babe the Blue Ox this weekend and have fun with my
friends. And, not forget to take my
rests when I need them. J
Will update in 6 weeks when the new labs are in.
XO, Maren